Above: You definitely won't believe me... but this girl's dangerous.
All of my best friends are privileged, worldly members of the venerable jet-set few.
Alexandra is arguably my heart's favorite of them all. She's a dedicated collegiate scholar, ever-chasing academia. We met at Hunter College in New York City in the Spring of 2007, we were classmates in both our private & lecture hall media courses. Prior to her studying in Hunter College, she went to college in Rome immediately after graduating from her high school in France. Right now at this very moment as earth's northern hemisphere spins on its axis promising the arrival of spring & all its beauty... Alexandra is studying at the esteemed, world-renowned London-based auction house known as-- Christie's, pursuing her Master's Degree.
Alexandra & I are college sweethearts. I was always up to no good & she was always romping about doing her worst, feverishly engaged in lawless activities. What can I say? We’re both young outlaws-at-heart. We were rivals in the fine art of bad assery & expert professionals involved, familiar, acquainted & submerged in all things cool: art, music, fashion & even the seedy, darker, private underworlds of it all. If I had to actually sit down & write a book on Alex, the title would be: 'Alexandra's Essential Handbook Guide to Free-Spiritdom'.
You know when you have two favorite characters but they’re like, from completely different universes & you wish they would totally meet—hang out & be friends ‘n stuff? Like… Catwoman from DC Comics & Marvel’s Spider-Man. Well that’s what Alex & I were like. Only cooler. On our month long winter breaks & 3 month long summer vacations, hell, even our measly 3-day weekends, she would seize them for all their potential & never hesitated in traveling half-way around the world to Europe, South America, Asia & California. It was absurd! All of her crazy adventures entertained me with enough daydreams for months on end!

Above: Alexandra; Sky-Princess of France's lone, elite faction of ace cloudship pilots, 'The High-Valkyries'.
AVANT - Will you still be in London this Summer?
Alex - Yep. I'll be writing my thesis.
AVANT - How many pages?
Alex - Not too many, around fifty pages.
AVANT - What's your address in London? In case I feel like surprising you.
Alex - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Road _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. I live with 6 other people, there should definitely be someone home.
AVANT - Is your new neighborhood anything like Bushwick?
Alex - Hahaha, nooooooooooo! Thank god. It’s more residential. Much nicer.
AVANT - Front lawns & stuff?
Alex - More suburban, absolutely.. I have a beautiful garden!
AVANT - What did you graduate from Hunter with?
Alex - BA in Art History.
AVANT - Any minor?
Alex - Nope.
AVANT - What are you getting your Masters in now?
Alex - Business of Contemporary and Modern Art.
AVANT - What's your goal? Is it your dream to become a world-renowned Gallery Curator?
Alex - That is accurate, although I think I might want to work in different industries, like the auction for a little while, maybe become an art dealer, or an artists agent... There's plenty to do. I want it all! ALL I TELL YOU!!!!
Alex - So what's the deal with your blogspot?
AVANT - It's my writing portfolio. To get an internship with Vogue &/or GQ. I have connections. I might as well use them.
Alex - Cooooool mos def!!!! My best friend here works for Vogue.
AVANT - What does she do?
Alex - She sells advertising space for the moment.
AVANT - I love how between us, we always know people in high places.
Alex - You know how we do.
AVANT - What school are you attending now for your Masters?
Alex - Christies education. You know Christie's the auction house?
AVANT - Yeah. Of course!!
Alex - It’s tha shit.
AVANT - Is Christie's the auction house that deals with Damien Hirst?
Alex - Sure thang.
AVANT - Wow!! Have you met him!?
Alex - No, but we do get to meet a bunch of famous artists, they're über contemporary, like Anne Hardy, Cullinan and Richards, Melanie Manchot. They might be known in London only for now.
AVANT - ...For now. (!!!) Cue the suspenseful music saturated in dramatic intrigue!
Alex - Haha! We study a lot of installation art, video & photography.
AVANT - You're one person I never have to worry about in this world. You'll always stay on top.
Alex - You would love it, I can’t wait till you get here.
AVANT - In your profile pictures for Christmas 2009, you had a sand snowman. Was that during your vacation in Portugal?
Alex - No, it’s in Qatar. …Yeah, the locals there were like "What the fucccckkkkk."
Below: Alex's original artwork featured sand sculpture nestled along the Qatarian coast.
AVANT - At the beach? What body of water is that.
Alex - It’s a lagoon, on the Persian Gulf.
AVANT - PERFECT. THE END. This marks the end of our impromptu interview.
Alex - Hahahahahahahahahahhahahaa!!
AVANT - I will be borrowing pictures from your Facebook Defaults.
Alex - I’m ecstatic! Help yourself, mein liebling!
AVANT - I already have the title: Alex Deyzac's Illustrious & Essential Handbook Guide to Free-Spiritdom
Alex - I’M LAUGHING OUT LOUD RIGHT NOW!! It’s tooo perfect for words!
AVANT - I love you. Take care, mon cheri.
Love you to the moon and back.