Like many martial arts practitioners... Jon was a fledgling nerd who, in his early childhood & pre-teen years, simply watched way too many action movies, woke up earliest during ungodly hours for Saturday morning cartoons, played too many video games & read one too many comic books. It also doesn't hurt to possess the know-how to defend oneself should a dire situation of promising threats arises. Also, everyone needs to harness within themselves the avenging prowess necessary to protect the weak & defend the just.
AVANT - How did you get into martial arts?
Jon - When I was younger I was inspired by action films, old school Kung Fu movies from the 80s, and of course books, video games, anime, comic books and manga as well as epic heroes from lore, mythology and legends of old. As I grew older, I met along the way several individuals from school and work who studied martial arts themselves. All of this culminated in my high school days where several friends and I used to spar in the park and practice moves we've learned and train together.
AVANT - Did you have any prior martial arts experience before signing up at Progressive Martial Arts?
Jon - I had two years of Judo experience. While only achieving a rank of Orange Belt during that time, it provided me with the leverage to continue studying and pursuing other martial arts. Along the way I picked up some tips and methods of training from friends of mine who were able to train under such diverse fields such as: Boxing, Taekwondo, Aikido, Krav Maga, Shaolin Kung Fu and Karate.
AVANT - Why Progressive?
Jon - To be honest it's only a few blocks away from both my college and my current job. Since I don't have a car, it's commuting made simple for me. I can easily navigate to and from work/home/school by bike or bus. I was considering the NuBreed Academy; however, it seemed too far out of my way and a bit pricey for my current financial situation, but who knows about the future?
AVANT - What invaluable lesson did you learn from being a member of a martial arts school?
Jon - I learned never to judge a fighter by their appearance. Physical appearance will oftentimes betray skill level.
Jon - I learned never to judge a fighter by their appearance. Physical appearance will oftentimes betray skill level.
AVANT - What kind of martial arts do you study?
Jon - I'm formally studying Jun Fan Gung Fu better known as Jeet Kune Do or the concepts of Bruce Lee's martial art system, the fundamental basis of 'Mixed Martial Arts', Muay Thai which is the brutal kickboxing style from Thailand, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu which is an art immersed with grappling, throwing and limb locking.
AVANT - Do you have to learn any of the terminology for the respective arts in their native languages?
Jon - While many hold the misconception that Martial Arts training is all physical, it's not. You have to remember these fighting systems were developed in their respective countries and are deeply rooted in their culture. In some cases it was used in warfare for millennia, if not centuries. It's important to know the origin and historical significance of anything you study--martial arts is no exception. To be a more educated and learned individual and also as a respect to the founders of the art itself it's vital in any field to have awareness of those who spearheaded the field and created the knowledge pool from which you drink. When studying medicine, do you not learn of Doctors from antiquity and the treatments they developed which we still use today? When studying painting do you not learn of painting techniques and styles used by Renaissance artists which many painters still find irrevocably useful? The same holds true for Martial Arts, though it varies with the Sifu (instructor), for the most part we must learn the proper terminology in the native languages of the important strikes, maneuvers and footwork.
AVANT - Describe, define & elaborate upon your training regiment. How many days/classes do you go?
Jon - I attend on average three classes per week, sometimes up to four or five and other times as low as two. It really depends on my work and school schedule. As I'm taking 19 credits this semester it is sometimes difficult to balance everything while still having time to sleep and eat. My regiment is, well, not very regimented but I'll tell you. I usually wake up around 7 and before anything eat something, usually oatmeal and some fruit or yogurt. Before showering and getting dressed for my day I stretch to promote flexibility. Since I bike virtually everywhere (school/work/MA) I get plenty of cardio (and yes I bike in the bitter cold of winter). Since I have plenty of breaks between class I usually try to work out at the gym twice a week, one day focusing on upper body, the second day; lower. When I have free time at home I have free weights and a pull-up bar that I use as well as a jump rope and other exercise provisions.
Jon - I attend on average three classes per week, sometimes up to four or five and other times as low as two. It really depends on my work and school schedule. As I'm taking 19 credits this semester it is sometimes difficult to balance everything while still having time to sleep and eat. My regiment is, well, not very regimented but I'll tell you. I usually wake up around 7 and before anything eat something, usually oatmeal and some fruit or yogurt. Before showering and getting dressed for my day I stretch to promote flexibility. Since I bike virtually everywhere (school/work/MA) I get plenty of cardio (and yes I bike in the bitter cold of winter). Since I have plenty of breaks between class I usually try to work out at the gym twice a week, one day focusing on upper body, the second day; lower. When I have free time at home I have free weights and a pull-up bar that I use as well as a jump rope and other exercise provisions.
AVANT - What benefits have you reaped from practicing/undertaking the martial arts?
Jon - Besides learning how to defend myself and kick ass in several flavors, I am stronger, more confident, my body is in shape and I feel good.

Jon - Besides learning how to defend myself and kick ass in several flavors, I am stronger, more confident, my body is in shape and I feel good.
AVANT - What are your favorite martial arts moves & combos?
Jon - I'm a fan of the back spinning hook kick, as well as the Jun Fan lead hand and rear hand combo series', my favorite moves are synonymous with those that are most effective and most painful.

AVANT - What equipment do you use & what is your favorite? Any favorite brands?
Jon - To avoid sounding like I'm endorsing a specific brand I like gear that's very plain but doesn't sacrifice performance. In other words, gear that does the job, is comfortable and doesn't have logos all over it. Everlast, Ringside and Title are all fine martial arts paraphernalia companies, I'd recommend those.

Photo Credits: Johnny Wolf Photography

Photo Credits: Johnny Wolf Photography
On a more personal note:
Jon is such a bad ass he leaves our Facebook conversations with such parting words of fine, avant-caliber:
Yo, I'm gonna get some shut eye but I'll catch you later after the dawn of Apollo's victory. (morning)
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