AVANT - How long have you been skating?
Evan - Uh, well... I started freshman year and so that's what... like, 5 years? 5 or 6 maybe. I dunno, yeah, something like that. I'm gonna comb my hair. Take a shower.
Evan leaves the room & walks to the bathroom...
"YO! Where da comb at?!", his frustrated voice is heard faintly from the distance.

AVANT - Why did you start skating?
Evan - Well I first had a tech deck & uh... I was tech decking in school & stuff like on one of the first days and one of my friends Nabi asked me if I skated but I didn't really. I lied to him and he asked me if I could do all these different tricks and I lied to him and I said, "Yeah"-- but I really didn't. So I took my brother's skateboard that I think was originally mine and I practiced for like 4 days straight like in the basement and outside. And so when they invited me to go skate I looked like I could kind of do the tricks. So I was like "Yeah I can kinda do 'em" when really I didn't know how. And from there I just stuck with it cos those were my first friends I made in high school & they all skated so I just ended up sticking with it.

Above: Evan skating with Nabi, executing their trademark Crono Trigger inspired Dual-Tech 'X-Slash' maneuver.
AVANT - What do you love about skating?
Evan - When you're skating it's like nothing... there's no problems in the world cos you kind of only like think of skateboarding and you don't worry about school or anything. You just worry about skating and eating and that's cool.

AVANT - Do you have a skateboarding crew?
Evan - Yup! It's called Battery Powered, I think... or Hahafuntime, I don't know. We have a lot of names now. A lot of people call us either BP or Hahafuntime. We're also making a new video too called, "Be Pretty." So check it out! It's gonna be coming out soon hopefully. Hopefully this year.
AVANT - Who films your crew's parts?
Evan - Uh, mostly Esteban sometimes Dom sometimes my friend Jason.
AVANT - So your filmer friend also edits the videos or do you have another editor friend?
Evan - Uh well I think like yeah, whoever films it usually edits it. All 3 filmers edit pretty much.
Below: (l to r) Nabi, Dom, Jon, Elijah & Evan
-- the lurker in the background of stage left is the youngest (& most annoying) character of Battery Powered's rogue gallery, Marcello.

AVANT - Do you have any videos on Youtube?
Evan - Yeah I kinda have a couple. I have like, I think 3 pages. You type my name, you'll see three pages of stuff. *Bonz laughs amusingly to himself & confesses* Sometimes whenever I'm bored I search myself on Youtube to see if there's some stuff & there is.
AVANT - What video of yourself do you recommend people to start off with first?
Evan - I dunno just watch it in whatever order they see it in. They're all pretty bad because they're all stuff that I don't want to use for video stuff. So there's just a bunch of funny videos and throwaway footage. But there's trick tips on stuff if you wanna learn. I think like a Borja Bird a trick I made up when I was young & a 360 ollie... There's also animation I made and all this type of stuff.
AVANT - Are you sponsored?
Evan - Yeah. I'm sponsored by Mishka clothing.
AVANT - What are your go-to tricks?
Evan - Go to tricks? Like grinds? Or just like flip tricks?
AVANT - Flip tricks.
Evan - I guess 360 big spin & nollie inward heel.
AVANT - Grinds?
Evan - Grinds like tailslides & back smith.
AVANT - What are your worst injuries?
Evan - Uh, I rolled my ankle when I was like uh.. erm.. junior, when I was a junior in high school. I rolled my left foot trying to pop shove Bayside Ten. Then like last year, yeah last year, I rolled my right foot trying to do a tailslide 270 out on a ledge to a sidewalk gap. And my foot landed on the corner of the sidewalk & turned completely sideways.
AVANT - Tricks you want to learn.
Evan - Impossibles.. um, and back smith front bigspin.
AVANT - Who are your favorite skaters?
Evan - Easy! Dylan Reider & David Gonzalez!
AVANT - How would you describe your skating style?
Evan - Skating style.. oh man, I dunno.. I guess it's like kinda.. I dunno, I just skate however I feel like is comfortable to me. But it doesn't really look like anything or anybody else's so it's kinda different I guess.
AVANT - What clothes do you wear when you skate? Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter?
Evan - Spring? Usually just like a t-shirt or like a hoodie. Some pants. Summer.. I wear like thin shoes & dirty clothes. Something that I don't care that gets sweaty or wet. Cos normally I'll take a bath at a bathroom or fountain. I'll take like a spongebath. Fall? I'll just wear like a hoodie, a light jacket and then... uhm.. pants. And then in the Winter, it's GOTTA be BLACK. ALL BLACK. I'm Goth in The Winter.

AVANT - What are your other hobbies besides skating?
Evan - Animating is my passion, I go to school at SVA-- it's in the city. I'm currently working on several animation projects right now. Some for school & some are for commission like this guy my brother hooked me up with. I play guitar, piano, bass and Beatles Rockband & Band Hero when I get bored of real instruments. I got a pet dog, too. Her name's Sabél. She's dumb cute. We call her Tabie-Baby, though. Oh yeah, and I hang out with my girlfriend a lot, too.
AVANT - Have you ever competed in any skating events?
Evan - Yeah. I try. I'm not that good. I've won. I got like 3rd place at like a Globe Contest. And like, that's probably the best thing I've ever done.
*UGH! Look at this! I got like dead ass dreads! Dead ass knots!* he exclaims as he combs his long jetblack Tony Jaa from Ong Bak 2 bad ass tribal Polynesian Filipino young warrior hair.
Below: Tony Jaa - Ong Bak 2 movie poster

AVANT - How often do you go skating?
Evan - In the winter? Pretty much never. Like once a week. But luckily, I got the Borjons, an underground parking lot that I can skate at night & whenever it rains. And in the summer, pretty much every day. Fall & spring, weekends or after school.
AVANT - Do you skate street or vert, both or one more than the other?
Evan - I skate street. Vert is like for people who have skateparks and there's like no skateparks in New York.
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