Above: Solveig & Evan
Solveig has modeled for Uniqlo, Paper, a Nike & Nylon collaboration & Puma-- in that order. Upcoming tentative: Levi's
I spoke to Solveig about her experiences as she lay under covers with my brother in his red and white decorated bedroom cos she traditionally sleeps over on Saturdays, which I love cos she's one of my most favorite people in this world & I love our family Sunday late morning brunches together. Solveig, Evan, Nhia, Sabel & I gathered in the kitchen. The brunch fare traditionally calling for Nutella, strawberries, waffles, powdered sugar & vanilla Silk soymilk. Anyway, onto the interview!
AVANT - Uniqlo
Solveig - Um, it was fun. It was really hectic and um, I met really nice people and the photographer was like a pervert and they fucked up my hair. He wasn't really a pervert but he hit on me. (My brother Evan, Solveig's boyfriend of 2 & 1/2 years yesterday 2/5/10 exclaimed,
"WOWW! I'm gonna hafta bust a cap in this moonheaded muthafuckaz ass!", quoting Lawrence Fishburn's notorious character Jimmy Jump, from the highly acclaimed cinematic cult-hit masterpiece, 'King of New York'.) You wanna know what he did? They were playing Blondie. Y'know that music Blondie.. the band? And I was like, "I like Blondie!" And he stopped taking pictures & looked at me and was like, "I like blondes." & I was like, "Ewww! Soo uncomfortable." Solveig takes a moment's pause and smiles reminscingly, "But it was fun."
AVANT - Paper
Solveig - Um, it took a long time... uh, the people were really nice and there was an anorexic model. (I stop & laugh sinisterly amused at Solveig's perennially honest eyes) I'm sorry for..! And the photography.. the cobra uhh.. The Cobra Snake.. Cobra Man, ya know? And he was the photographer and he had a really cool shirt on. It was like a really close up picture of spaghetti on his shirt. So it looked like he had noodles all over it. & He kept on saying I was really cute because I couldn't really walk in the 10 inch heels. He said that I was very easy to photograph.. & Evan came with me. & I got punished because I came home really late cos it ended really late. Cos I didn't answer my phone so my mom got worried.
AVANT - Nike/Nylon
Solveig - Um I went there after I got my teeth cleaned cos I went to the dentist cos it was down the street. It was easy for me to get there cos I had a dentist appointment & my teeth were mad clean. I was happy that I had really clean teeth. And the makeup and hair people lived really close to me where I live so that was cool. And they were really nice. And the photographer kept on hitting on my mom cos I think she was a lesbian. And she had me wear a Mickey Mouse hat and I didn't know how I was gonna look in it and they didn't even end up using it. But it was fun. And they paid me in store credit. They gave me 300 dollars in store credit to buy stuff from Nike. So they didn't really even pay me. I dunno. It was really weird.
AVANT - Puma
Solveig - Um I skipped school & I went there at 8 o clock. And they played the same stupid song over and over and over. It's called Dominoes by The Big Pink. It's really annoying. And the woman that works there that was in charge of putting the clothes on people. She kept on eating these salmon sandwiches. And she kept coming in my face telling me I had to adjust my shirt. And her breath smelled really bad. And she was asian. And but she had really nice clothing. Um and the photographer had me pretend to take pictures of myself with this fisheye thing and I was wearing this really disgusting outfit. And then afterwards I went to the Salvation Army down the street. Cos it was on Bedford in Williamsburg you know what I mean. And I bought these really cool pants. They were like these pants that had these embroidered things on them. They were bedazzled. And I didn't have to go to school so that was cool. And they still haven't paid me. OH! And they also had me chew bubblegum. And the photographer was really disappointed in my bubble gum chewing skills! And I was like I didn't come here to do this. I didn't come here to chew bubble gum! And the hairstylist was really cool. And he was a DJ and has this New Order night at this place in Williamsburg. And he started doing hair with his girlfriend so that's his job now and he had on these really tight pants and motorcycle boots. And it kind of looked really generic, like generic Williamsburg person but it was still cool.
Solveig - Oohh god I sound like such an idiot. If I read that I'd think like that I was really annoying. But that song was really annoying I'm serious.
AVANT - Levi's?
Solveig - I really hope I get it but I don't think I will.
AVANT - Why?
Solveig - Cos I dunno. It's for jeans and you have to be really tall and stuff. But I don't care. But it would be like my dream thing. It was funny at the casting thing. Cos its for the boyfriend jean yaknow, the boyfriend jeans? And they asked the models to tell stories about their boyfriends or past lovers or whatever. And I talked about how I had a dream about Evan and how he added me the next day on Myspace. And the casting guy who called me told me that he saw me and Evan this summer at St. Mark's Place holding hands and kissing. And so I said my boss saw me making out with my boyfriend and he laughed. And me and Evan also went to a casting thing the other day, but for him though. It was for INTERVIEW Magazine. 'Interracial Couples'-- And the woman who did the casting thing was my old soccer coach.
AVANT - For Interview?
Solveig - Yeah, Interview Magazine.

Above: Solveig in NYLON Magazine
Solveig re-telling of hers & Evan's love story via AIM:
it was more like, i met him for the first time on our first date. and i kissed him, because i weanted to. he slept at nabis house so we could hang in the morning. the next day when we were hanging out i took his ipod so he had to come back in the night after going to see dom.
THEN when we were walking home, me and him were a little ahead of bobbie and nabi and i said you dont want a girlfriend right? and he said thats not true. and i was like, you dont want to be my boyfriend? and he said yeah!
and then i screamed to bobbie, "I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!"
thats it ahah
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